BC Golf Community Mourns The Passing of Ken Stewart

Below we repost with permission his obituary as it was run in his home club's newsletter. Also, please link to this page to see the official obituary as it ran in the Times Colonist.
STEWART, Kenneth Gordon
March 25, 1931 - December 6, 2024
Ken was a long-time member of Gorge Vale joining the Club in 1956 – almost 70 years a member. In addition to being an enthusiastic golfer, Ken volunteered for the Club serving as a Board Member and President in 1977 and then for another term in 1990. In addition, Ken was a Director and Vice President of the BCGA from 1987 to 2003 and the RCGA from 1993 to 2003 where he served as a Governor. As well, Ken supported the Victoria stop of the Canadian Tour for many years serving as a scorer. In recognition for his extensive service to the Club and Canadian Golf, in 2014 Ken was made an Honorary Member of Gorge Vale. Please join me in expressing our condolences to the Stewart family and our gratitude for his contributions to Gorge Vale over the years.
As our Club President, Ken was instrumental in his first term in implementing an improvement program to update the Course and in his second term dealt with the financial challenge of replacing aging equipment. As members will know, these are the same challenges that what we have been working on as a Board. Fundamental to the success of this work and the long-term future of the Club is the willingness of members to volunteer their time and expertise to Club affairs.