British Columbia Golf Wishes The Entire Jewish Community A Happy Passover

Passover is a Jewish festival celebrated in commemoration of the release of the Hebrews from the brutal slavery of the ancient Egyptians. The festival holds great significance for the entire Jewish community residing across the world.

Passover, which is also known as Pesach, falls on the 15th day of the Nisan month in the Hebrew calendar and lasts till the 21st or 22nd day. This date corresponds in the month of March or April as per the Gregorian calendar. Observed with much pomp and show, Passover celebrations revolve around holidaying, feasting and merry-making. People meet one another and exchange greetings.

This year Passover is celebrated between April 10 and 18th. 

On behalf of British Columbia golf, "May you be blessed with Happiness, prosperity, peace and good health on Pesach and always. Happy Passover!"