BC Regional ID Camp - Vancouver

British Columbia Golf is holding a Regional ID performance camp taking place Sunday, June 18th at Lago Golf Academy in Coquitlam.
Register for the BC Regional ID Camp - Vancouver being held at Lago Golf Academy in Coquitlam hosted by BC Golf and Performance Coach Patrick Lago on Sunday, June 18, 2023.
Registration Closes: Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 09:00 AM
Registration is now open, click HERE to register for the Vancouver ID Camp.
See the itinerary below:
Sunday June 18th, 2023
11:30am: Arrive at Lago Golf Academy (at Westwood Plateau Executive Course) 1630 Parkway Blvd, Coquitlam
12:00pm: Introductions, bagged lunch provided
12:15pm: Dynamic warm up hosted by Nick Mueller
12:30pm: TPI Fitness Screening
- Chipping Assessment
- Wedge Proximity Assessment
3:30pm: Vertical Jump Test (part of TPI Fitness Screening)
- Iron Proximity Assessment
- Driver Ball Speed Testing
4:30pm: Education Session
5:00pm: Head to Westwood Plateau Golf and Country Club for putting skills assessment
5:40 - 6:00pm: Tee times
8:00pm: Prizes and pizza
8:45pm: Parent pick-up at Lago Golf Academy
Patrick Lago - BC Golf Performance Coach
Patrick is driven to coach high-performing athletes to reach their full potential, through the use of industry-leading technology and is passionate about personal development through continuously learning from the leading minds in the industry on biomechanics, ground reaction forces, fitness, nutrition and sports psychology.
Patrick has been recognized as a PGA of British Columbia Top 100 Golf Professional since 2018 and was the recipient of the PGA of BC’s Dunc Sutherland Distinguished Service Award in 2022 as well as the Regional Recipient of the PGA of BC’s Davie Black Professional Development Award that same year.
Nick Mueller
Nick Mueller is a golf specific performance coach and the director of Golf Education at Rad Roller. Based out of Innovative Fitness in Vancouver, Canada, Nick operates as a strength and conditioning coach and fascial strength therapist serving golfers of all ages, abilities and levels of competition. When not in Vancouver, you'll find Nick on the golf course coaching tour players or working on his own game.
Click HERE to register